Running a benchmarking experiment

Executing the benchmarks

After defining the scenes, queries and benchmark configurations, you are ready to execute the benchmarks. To do so, execute the following launch file:

roslaunch sr_moveit_planner_benchmarking benchmarking.launch bench_opts:=<path_to_benchmark_config_file>

You can also specify the initial_z of the robot to move it on top of the table.

We have created launch files for each of our scenes that you can find here. For example, to run the benchmarks for the scene ‘ground_with_boxes’, execute this:

roslaunch sr_moveit_planner_benchmarking benchmark_ground_with_boxes.launch

Generating database files from log files

After the benchmarks are executed, they generate a set of log files (one per query). If you want to convert them to sqlite3 database files that are easy to handle, run the following command:

  • All files
rosrun sr_moveit_planner_benchmarking -a /tmp/moveit_benchmarks/
  • Sorted by scenes:
rosrun sr_moveit_planner_benchmarking -a /tmp/moveit_benchmarks/ --sort